Who are your heroes? Who do you admire most in your life? Who do you respect the most? We all need to have heroes, people we look up to, people we admire. These are the people we learn the most from. The people we would want to resemble. Many of your heroes may change throughout your life, as you learn what and who you really admire. Some traits that you admire as a child, are not admirable from an adult mindset.
There are many different things we admire in others, from respect, honesty, integrity, to success, looks, and family. What ever it is that you find admirable, you find people that have those traits, and they become your heroes.
Here are my heroes.
- My Parents - They've both always been there for me, no matter what. They have true love, and have been married for nearly 35 years. Both of them are very hard working, and have always done whatever it takes; to provide for our family. They never give up on family.
- My grandpa W. - He served in World War II, then worked for Ford, always providing for his family. Had a great marriage for more than 60 years before he passed. Very hard working, honest man full of integrity and respect. If I could live half the life, and be half the man he was; I will die a happy man.
- My grandpa C. - He was in the Army, and has worked at all 3 of the 'Big 3' auto companies in his life. He's worked just about every job you can think of, without ever having a high school diploma. He's successful, and owned his own company for most of my life. He's very hard working, and loves my grandmother dearly. The smile that my grandma brings to his face, is incredible. Just to see that kind of love. They've been married for more than 55 years. He has always provided for his family.
- My grandma C - She worked for more than 30 years with Chrysler, in the recycling management. She always provided for her family; working hard, and raising a family. She's always been there for me when I needed her, and she's an incredible woman.
- My grandma W - She's my family's Martha Stewart. She can cook amazing elaborate meals, and loves to entertain. Although it is too much work for her now. She grew up in the depression, and still today you can see how it molded her. She is very hard working, and a very sweet woman. She took care of my grandfather for about 8 years as his Alzheimer's progressed before he died. She raised her kids well.
- My Brother - He's a dreamer. He's a great problem solver, and a very skilled in many areas. He's very relaxed person.
- My Sister - One of the hardest working people I've ever known. She's successful, and happy. She's respectable, honest, and fun. She always has a smile on her face. She has a great marriage, and is a great mom to my niece.
- My Brother In-Law - He's one of the people I admire most. He's respectable, honest, hard working, and a man of integrity. He has a good moral creed. He's a great father, and husband. He has goals, and he's going after them. He's a very calm person, relaxed, always smiling, and enjoys life.
- My best friend J - A hard working honest guy, a great husband, and father.
- KR - The best father I've ever know, and probably the hardest working person I've ever known. He's successful, and is happy. A man of real integrity, and morals. He's raised 2 incredible daughters, and been a great husband and grandfather. He stands for what he believes in.
- MM - A great father, hard working, and successful. Raised 2 incredible daughters with his wife, and he's also a great husband. He always provides for his family, and gives great advice.
Those are my heroes. That's who I look up to, and hope to one day resemble all of them. I hope to carry on my father, and grandfathers' legacies. I want to be a man of honor, integrity, and good moral fiber. I want to be a gentleman. I want to be successful. I want to be happy.
Never forget who your heroes are, and remember why they are your heroes.
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