Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 52: Workout

Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit.  - Lillie Langtry

Finally got back in the gym tonight, after about a month off. Felt great to get back in the gym. Thought I was barely going to make it through my workout routine, but actually did longer than I usually do on each machine.

I need to make working out a routine, a mandatory, necessary routine. It's good for me, and there is no excuse not to other than laziness. I have plenty of time to go to the gym, and I really need to be going to the gym.

I want to have a work out routine, and go at least 3 or 4 times a week, for at least an hour. I'm 25 years old, and by medical standards I'm 'obese'. I need to lose weight, I must lose weight. I must get in better shape. I am not happy with my body physically, it's frustrating, and disgusting. If I'm going to be a nurse, I need to lose weight. To be able to be active, and on my feet all day in a job, I need to be in better shape.

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical, squats, leg lifts of 75 lbs, arms 75 lbs on a couple different machines. It really felt great afterwards. I wasn't wore out, but my muscles were sore, and it felt good. Worked out for about an hour.

Last time I was at the doctor he told me my blood pressure is slightly high, and my cholesterol is slightly high. He told me I need to be more active, and work out more; and to eliminate stress. Working out will do all of that, will get me more active, and eliminate stress.

It's amazing how much better you feel mentally and physically after working out. It's a naturally high. The release of endorphins, and the energy you get is incredible. Being lazy is not worth it.

Now that it's getting to be spring, it makes it a lot easier to be more active as well. I need to get outside more, and enjoy the weather now. Go for walks, go out and take pictures, be more active.

Workout more. Lose weight. Be in better shape. Be in a better mood. Have more energy.

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