Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 45: Wants

I know exactly what I want. Everything. Calm, peace, tranquility,
freedom, fun, happiness. If I could make all that one word, I would - a
many-syllabled word. - Johnny Depp

We all have wants within us we hope to fulfill. Our true hart desires. The things we ware most passionate about. The things that fill our thoughts and time. Sometimes these wants overwhelm us, and it kills our productivity. It kills our soul, and we begin to focus too much on what we do not have and only on what we want. We begin to think that our wants are our needs, and that our needs are just given rights. That is foolish and naive.

There is nothing wrong with having wants, desires, but you must know that they are wants. That you don't need them. That in not having them, you're not going to die. Once you know this, you can work towards your goals, and achieving your wants appropriately. Follow your heart. Do not deceive yourself what your true desires are. Never give up what you want most, for what you want at the moment. Trust your heart.

My Wants:
  • To Become a Nurse
  • Happiness
  • Good friends
  • True love
  • To Always have fun.
  • To Laugh often.
  • Become a better photographer
  • My own family some day.
  • To be wanted.
Those are my wants in this world. It's true as the line goes, the best things in life are free. Nearly everyone shares these same desires. Who doesn't want success? Happiness? Love? Family? To be wanted? Most people would agree that they want some or all of these same things.

Wants do not outweigh needs, but they are important in life as well. Just always remember your needs being fulfilled are more important, and that your wants are not necessities in life. Don't make someone feel like you need them, no one wants to feel needed. They want to feel wanted. Don't focus too much on your career that you forget to have fun, and enjoy life. Don't focus only on having fun either. Evenly direct your focus on your goals so you can achieve them, in the proper fashion. Don't let anything stop you from getting what you want in life.

Don't ever forget what you truly want in life.

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