Tuesday, February 2, 2010


30 Days to A Better Man: Day 6: Update Your Resume

Today in 30 Days to a Better Man, the challenge is to update your resume. Fortunately my resume is already up to date, and I just reviewed it.

Today I went to the ADD doctor for my follow up appointment. My blood test results came back good. My cholesterol is slightly high, and my blood pressure is slightly high. Need more exercise, and less stress the doctor suggested. He had an EKG done on me today, and the results of that were good.

He prescribed Vyvanse to me. I'll start taking it next week, once I get paid and can afford to get it filled.

We discussed my concerns about side effects of the drug. My biggest fear is that it will make me feel dependent on it, that I'll feel like I have to have it to be 'me'. He said that it will not give me a dependency feeling. The most common side effects are loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, and weight loss. In rare cases it will give psychotic side effects, and you'll notice that immediately in the first day.

The weight loss side effect, will cause me to lose 10-15% of my body weight, in the first 2 months he said. I may continue to lose more after that. This will really help me with my weight loss goals, working out, and getting in better shape.

The doctor said that I'll also have a whole new outlook on life, and that people will perceive me differently. He said it will really help me in work, school, and my relationships. It will give me the focus, and attention that I need to give in all areas of my life.

I am very anxious to see if it really lives up to it's hype, and if it will actually help as much as I hope it will. I know it won't be a miracle do all pill, and that it is going to help me some; but it will not fix everything. A lot of my problems, are mine, and can only be fixed by self control, and personal responsibility. It's time to man up.

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